Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Faultlines in Coalition Already Showing

Whether Abid Nasser is really an Al Quaeda operative or not still seems a bit short of definitive evidence, though it would seem wise to assume he is dangerous, based on what we have. But how to treat him now that the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, chaired by Mr Justice Mitting, has said the threat or torture or worse should he return to Pakistan, rules out the option of deportation to his homeland? I can imagine those of a certain cast of mind asking(not without good reason): 'Why did you plan to murder innocent shoppers in the northwest if you were not prepared to take the consequences?' adding perhaps, 'if you were prepared to blow yourself up, why worry about a bit of home-grown torture?'

'Control orders', our version of strict 'house arrent', seems the obvious answer for Theresa May, but, hang on a minute, don't our new partners, the fragrant and lovely Lib Dems, have a view on these orders? They do indeed, is the answer. The fresh faced lad sitting by the PM yesterday back in 2007, said:

"How can it be right to impose what amounts to home detention without giving suspects any evidence for such a measure?"

And what about the party's Home Affairs spokesman back in January?

Chris Huhne, fumed: "It is an affront to British justice and the freedom people have fought and died for to place people under de facto house arrest without even telling them why." Two months later Huhne condemned the orders as Kafkaesque, a bad dream and a nightmare, that were "a violation of fundamental rights and an expensive failure to boot".

Stand by for more and more faultlines opening up over Lords reform, EU and voting reform to name but three.

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