Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Surely Mugabe Can't Defy his People Yet Again?
The Times today describe Mugabe being in the endgame; the Independent too. But the BBC reports anything but such a cut and dried situation. We hear the best information says the challengers have won a majority both in seats and for the presidency, yet Mugabe dithers on, delaying results while he seeks to finesse yet another defiant fraud on his voters.
Some sources say a 50% vote for him as president might not be wrong and that a run-off election might be the next stage- one which, of course, Mugabe's control over the police and military, might even yet deliver to the 84 year old idealist turned tyrant. What astonishes me that even a single voter, assuming no intimidation or inducements, would consider voting for the re-election of a man who has: turned the 'bread-basket of the continent into its basket case' (to quote Radio 4's Thought for the Day this morning); reduced male life expectancy to 34; caused inflation to reach 100,000%; and applied draconian control on democratic activity and free speech.
If its not yet the 'endgame' for Robert Mugabe, one is sorely tempted to hope any sustained attempt to cling onto power will result in the same denouement as that which met similar attempts by the likes of Nicolae Caeusecsu.
Some sources say a 50% vote for him as president might not be wrong and that a run-off election might be the next stage- one which, of course, Mugabe's control over the police and military, might even yet deliver to the 84 year old idealist turned tyrant. What astonishes me that even a single voter, assuming no intimidation or inducements, would consider voting for the re-election of a man who has: turned the 'bread-basket of the continent into its basket case' (to quote Radio 4's Thought for the Day this morning); reduced male life expectancy to 34; caused inflation to reach 100,000%; and applied draconian control on democratic activity and free speech.
If its not yet the 'endgame' for Robert Mugabe, one is sorely tempted to hope any sustained attempt to cling onto power will result in the same denouement as that which met similar attempts by the likes of Nicolae Caeusecsu.
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"What astonishes me that even a single voter, assuming no intimidation or inducements, would consider voting "
very big assumption!
Suspect only people to whom it doesn't apply would be Mugabe's henchmen ...
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very big assumption!
Suspect only people to whom it doesn't apply would be Mugabe's henchmen ...
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