Saturday, October 27, 2007
Why in God's Name do we Keep Putting the Clocks Back?
No doubt most people in this country have felt the first chill of autumn as recent unseasonably warm temperatures begin to give way. This reminder that winter is at hand is bad enough but what astonishes me is our government's insistence on putting the clocks back by an hour; this year it's on 29th October.
The case against this joyless annual donning of a temporal hair shirt is as follows:
i) studies show that while there might be more accidents in the mornings these would be more than compensated for by fewer in the evenings; The Guardian some time ago, quoted studies predicting a net saving of 140 lives.
ii) 80 per cent of the population want to keep summer time throughout the year.
iii) Many influential pressure groups favour it, including the CBI, the Police and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
iv) the experiment of maintaining BST through the winter 1968-71 was, as far as I recall, a substantial success.
v) It would extend the tourist season, the sporting season and..., perhaps most important of all it would make us all feel a damn sight better about the miserable imminence of winter.
The case against reversing the measure is summed up in the two words: Scottish farmers. They would face much darker mornings as the sun would not rise until 10.0am. However, against this it can be adduced:
i) The rate of decline in accidents would actually be greater in Central Scotland(5.5%) than in the south of England(2.5%).
ii)When I used to visit Northern Sweden regularly, farmers up there did not see daylight until much later than 10.0am and accepted it as part of their cost for living in that latitude.
iii) Now Scotland has its own parliament, why doesn't it set its own regional time and do us all a big favour?
iv) is it fair that a nation of 60 million should suffer merely because a few hundred farmers should be able to see their cows more clearly on a winter's morning?
In the war we had a clocks turned forward two hours- Double Summer Time!- why not return to those good old days? Brown might even find his recently flagging popularity recovering immensely if he introduced this simple yet highly popular measure.
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Please add my name to any petition you wish to bring before the government's attention regarding this looney policy.
I will be making my own small protest by taking my next reading week on mainland Europe.
I will be making my own small protest by taking my next reading week on mainland Europe.
Even though he was a Tory, Edward Heath did at least two wonderful things for Britain during his time as PM. One was to have BST all year round the other was to take us into the EEC which Thatcher helped to become the EU. Alas the first was undone, let's hope the second never is...
Scottish farmers should get with it - Some Yorkshire farmers keep cows that 'milk themselves' so they do not have to be there.
BBC Inside Out programme - forget when. But not a spoof.
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BBC Inside Out programme - forget when. But not a spoof.
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