Sunday, February 04, 2007
Skipper on Holiday in Australia Sensation

Then it's seeing how they live down there for a full four weeks. It's one of the pipe dreams I've had all my life: not to scoot around a country, trying to see everything, but to stay put somewhere interesting and see how it feels.
I don't intend to keep on blogging but I may well post the odd observation on politics down-under, or a few reflections on life in Blighty from the vantage point of a former 'colony'. This blogging business, as it has been observed by my friend Norman Geras , tends to become obsessive. It all depends on how available access to the web is and; if my flat is online that will make it a lot easier. So it's so long for the time being, but I'll be watching from 12 thousand miles away...
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Just got back from a month in Australia. A wonderful place in many ways. I have to say I didn't enjoy Sydney. Too many people, not enough space. Queensland is much better. When I have filled my bank account sufficiently I shall live there for a few years.
Do enjoy and be sure not to watch the cricket. The Australian are relentless, and will make life hell if they find out you are English and like cricket.
Do enjoy and be sure not to watch the cricket. The Australian are relentless, and will make life hell if they find out you are English and like cricket.
Thanks for good wishes. Well, Micxhael, we won the oneday final which was a blast- i was there in SCG too which was even better. Enmails from home tell me Blair might resign any day so might have to post on that should it happen. But intend to post something on the splendid Singapore too. Just too many options when you have a whole month off in a wonderful country.
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